Virginie Tison never stopped living multiple lives. An entrepreneur since the age of 25, she explored management, operational direction, and investor relations for large groups without losing touch with her true nature. A painter from a young age, Virginie Tison has spent many years helping artists to reveal more than just their talents by professionalizing them. her expertise converges in 2023 with the creation of Art Professional School, her Qualiopi-certified training center. Its ambition is to provide genuine operational support in communication professions to businesses, entrepreneurs, and artists. Let’s meet.
– Exhibition of the Painter Harry ERGOTT from 05 to 07 September 2024 in Vienna (Austria)
– Join Art Trope Gallery and its Artists
– Save the date: Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 6pm for a video conference with Virginie Tison
– Art Professional School & Art Coach by Virginie Tison to professionalize your artistic career
– The Master Class program for Artists
Virginie Tison features Drawer Flavie Greuet in a dedicated article !
For Flavie Greuet, drawing is a mirror of her understanding of the world, of others and of herself. The artist sees her artistic practice as a gateway for sharing her insights into human nature, experience and spirituality. The artist’s works thus identify the subtle nuances of the human experience. The drawings of the human figure are always of a spiritual and/or inner nature.
Virginie Tison features Painter Charlotte Pivard in a dedicated article.
Charlotte Pivard’s painting magnifies the representation of reality, coupled with a pictorial search for abstract colors. Within this attractive graphic of light and color, the real suggests the abstract and vice versa. Her works reflect the artist’s contemplation of the environment that surrounds her as she travels, and some of the beauty that fills her with wonder.Her “suspended” moments nourish Charlotte Pivard’s artistic research and she advocates the protection of nature. The painter’s new take on landscapes is a gateway to a whole new world of possibilities, with a different positioning, perspective and approach.