Virginie Tison is the founder and curator of Art Trope Gallery, an opportunity and career-booster for visual artists and collectors worldwide. As a former painter and investor relations coordinator, she knows how to bring innovative, sustainable solutions to the international art market. Her goal ? To give artists peace of mind, and collectors value for the works they have so passionately chosen.
We would like to share with you the feedback of various artists, members of the Art Coach Program, with whom we have had the honor to work.

Art Trope Gallery is delighted to welcome two new Photographers to the gallery : Ralouka Montesi and Rodolfo Franchi.
The Art Trope Agency team is happy to welcome Arnaud Rinuccini, photographer, and Eric Brocherie, digital artist, this month.
Art Trope Gallery now offers a new section called “Artists to Watch by Virginie Tison”. Discover new talents as they rise to artistic maturity : Charlotte Pivard, Laétitia Taillo Pivaut, Modelaine Amblard, Flarvie Greuet.
Virginie Tison is launching Art Professional School, her a Qualiopi-certified training center,