Art Trope Gallery wishes you a Happy New Year 2023 !
Paris & Arles
by appointement only
- Artists join us as we wish you a Happy New Year 2023
- The new 2023 session of Virginie Tison’s Art Coach Master Class has begun – registration by the end of January
- Discover the artist’s feedback coached by Virginie Tison
Art Trope Gallery Artists
join us as we wish you a Happy New Year 2023!
We are eager to show you their new works and meet you at our next exhibitions. Also, as a result of Virginie Tison’s Master Class and the Call To Artists, new talents will soon complete the Gallery portfolio.
Art Trope Gallery, directed and curated by Virginie Tison, has for vocation to provide innovative long-term support to its artists through dedicated showcases, while ensuring their international visibility through targeted networks. The gallery stands out for its ability to lead visitors through a journey into the represented artists universe, be they painters, photographers or sculptors.
Antoine Buttafoghi | Alain Le Chapelier | Bruno Palisson | Charles Weber | Evelyne Puech | Florence Sartori | Harry Ergott | Hélène Hubert | Isabelle Vougny | Klara Gunnlaugsdottir | Mireille Lopez | Nathan Soulez-Larivière | Sabrina Le Roux
Contact us for more informations:
Every Artist must build his career as a business out of respect
for his Collectors.

For several years, Virginie Tison has positioned herself to support the art market actors. Through her Art Coach trainings, she guides Artists to build a better Art Business as it is crucial for each Artist represented by Art Trope Gallery to take a position as a long term Partner.
An artistic career demands several professional skills that galleries cannot always provide. Virginie Tison decided to train them in order to build a solid portfolio of artists within Art Trope Gallery.
During 12 months Virginie Tison works individually with each Artist as detailed in the following link:
Discover feedback from Artists working together with Virginie Tison:

Boosting opportunities and careers, Virginie Tison also founded Art Coach to train artists in positioning themselves in the art market by optimizing their visibility and their network, as well as the Art-Trope Agency to build and develop their international reputation over the long term.
Hélène H. – Artist who has completed a Strategic interview:
“My first strategic meeting with Virginie acted as a magic wand for my series. Her contribution of coherence, as if she was rephrasing my visual sentences, uncovered the essence of my approach. The objectivity of her vision and her determined but open and generous choices have justified my work with clear directions. In a perfect synergy, the Master Class taught me to set a dynamic framework to my professional activities. In a concise manner, she shares with us the outcome of her expertise in management, art marketing and communication. You will get the answers to the following questions : – How to build your artistic identity, digitize it, develop it and maintain it? – How to choose and implement the right strategies with the right tools for a visible, consistent and targeted digital presence? – How to build step by step, the appropriate action plan to realize a project and/or an exhibition? As many practical guidelines to define a strong, empowering and independent personal strategy in order to reach short, medium and long term objectives in a flexible way. Virginie Tison’s Master Class saved me time and allowed me to acquire valuable knowledge, without which I would still be fumbling my way. I turned my artistic dream into a goal, now I am watching it become my reality! Instead of just thinking about it, I strategized my career plan and took specific steps that will move me closer to my dream.”
Bruno Palisson – Artist represented by the Gallery :
“Art Trope Gallery”, or Virginie and her team, is an art gallery conducted with an entrepreneurial philosophy and a cooperative mindset. Virginie Tison is sensitive, enthusiastic and responsive to artists. As a next-generation gallery owner, she invites us to proceed in an organized and structured manner and to find our coherence throughout our career, which is specific to each Artist. We are coached, nearly like athletes training for the Olympic Games, but without the aches and pains. Teaming up with Virginie means to spread our art using the most up-to-date tools. Exposure, media coverage and the economy of art are subject to shifts, now more than ever. Joining Virginie Tison’s Art Coach Master Class means to avoid being subjected to it and to use it to better reveal who you really are.”
Fanny D. – Artist trained by the Art Coach Master Class:
“To be an artist is not just about creating, it is about being in a dynamic and on multiple fronts all at once. Aware of this, I have taken many online trainings on business strategies for artists and supplemented them with readings. In spite of this, I had a feeling of being stuck, with results that did not match the work invested and with a growing lack of enthusiasm. Following Virginie Tison on Instagram, I took up her invitation to a presentation of her Art Coach activities by Visio conference. As Virginie Tison’s presentation was so passionate and frank, after two weeks of reflection, I signed up for a strategic interview. And there, from the first fifteen minutes, I understood the basics of a professional activity, the Why and the How! Her insight about my digital identity, my events communication, about the coherence of my series and technical aspects of my works allowed me to understand that each action is part of a whole whereas I was working in a fragmented way. Thanks to her easy explanations, I finally understood how to develop my artistic career. Virginie Tison’s qualified external viewpoint allows us to diagnose the weak points, check the bases of a digital communication strategy with the right tools and tips to pinpoint fake professionalism leading to a lack of progress. From the start, my collaboration with Virginie Tison boosted my motivation because I finally have the answers I was looking for and I also feel supported.”
About : Art Trope Gallery, directed and curated by Virginie Tison, has for vocation to provide innovative long-term support to its artists through dedicated showcases, while ensuring their international visibility through targeted networks. The gallery stands out for its ability to lead visitors through a journey into the represented artists universe, be they painters, photographers or sculptors. Boosting opportunities and careers, Virginie Tison also founded Art Coach to train artists in positioning themselves in the art market by optimizing their visibility and their network, as well as the Art-Trope Agency to build and develop their international reputation over the long term.