
Art Trope Gallery: “A Gallery Like No Other” by reinvesting its net profits in the development of the careers of its Artists.

It is a collective exhibition presenting the work of the Artists of the Art Trope Gallery with the participation of our guests Fabienne Berthaud, French Video Maker, Writer and Photographer and Norman Reedus, American Actor and Photographer. It aims to emphasize the importance of knowing others for one’s individual understanding: it is a celebration of acceptance of oneself and others.

We are delighted to announce Bruno Palisson’s participation whose series “The Way of the Salt Worker” has been nominated for the Expositions Satellites at Montélimar Festival Présence(s) Photographie.

Artension magazine has included Art Trope Gallery in the 6th edition of its gallery guide among the 908 must-see venues in France and Belgium. Artension also highlighted the work of Virginie Tison in her collaboration and support of artists with Art Coach.